A lot of these websites also offer excellent information


Just do a search for 'jobs' and you're off! +Online Newspaper Classified Ads - Whatever newspaper you can think of, they will most likely have a website.Are you looking for a work-at-home job? Have you searched online only to become frustrated and confused with the array of offerings? Are you weary of looking at site after site trying to make sense of what is real and what is a scam? How can you know whether or not a work-at-home offer is legitimate? YOU SHOULD BEWARE OF THE FOLLOWING: +Sites that make outrageous claims about earning potentials; they should be considered scams.

Hopefully, the tips listed above will help you in your quest to work from home. A lot of these websites also offer excellent information on starting and maintaining a home business. +General employment sites - (jobs. +Someone who asks for your money without answering your questions. For some of these jobs you will also need office equipment such as a computer, software, printer, Internet access, phone, and maybe a fax machine. If they are full-time, they may provide benefits such as health insurance, vacation time, and retirement plans. LEGITIMATE WORK-AT-HOME JOBS: Legitimate work-at-home jobs can be found if you know where to look. +Work-at-Home Directory listings – If you do a search for 'work at home' or 'work at home directories', you will receive thousands of possibilities.com, monster.

There are many major corporations now that offer this kind of flexibility for their employees. It never hurts to ask your employer. +Work-at-home sites and companies that claim to find you jobs but only sell you information on how you might be able to make money.com, careerbuilder. THE BEST PLACES TO SEARCH FOR WORK-AT-HOME JOBS: +Company and corporate websites - (IBM, Penney's, Disney, etc. If they have a website, there will be a link for jobs. These categories include, but are not limited to, accounting, administration, clerical, finance, graphic design, marketing, sales, web development, and writing. Legitimate work-at-home opportunities require certain skills and experience just as any regular position would..

There are many sites where you can search for home-based work. Some companies require you to spend some time working at home and some time in a regular office environment. You might even be able to convert your present job into a telecommuting one. There ARE jobs out there and there are good jobs out there. If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. +Pyramid schemes that try to get you to join them without selling a product or service. 

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